How To Combat Finals Week Stress


This is it, guys. For four months, we’ve been plugging away, filling our brains to the brim with information, some of which is actually useful and some of which isn’t, and hoping it stays put long enough for us to reel it in during this most dreaded of times: yep, it’s finals week.Doom

The end of the semester is tough for everybody, but those of us trying to juggle school and a chronic illness are put at a special risk. For most Crohn’s patients, myself included, stress can easily trigger unwanted symptoms, which is why managing and reducing stress is crucial during times like these. But how are we supposed to do that with a never-ending to-do list and an apartment that keeps getting dirtier and dirtier because we don’t have time to clean? The key for me is time management. There are plenty of ways to help keep stress at bay, as long as you plan accordingly and avoid procrastination.

This, my friends, is what we call "the get shit done top bun."

This, my friends, is what we call “the get shit done top bun.”

Here are a few tips for managing your stress–and your Crohn’s–during Finals Week:

  • Exercise. Working out is the perfect study break because it rejuvenates your body and clears your mind. Again, this is where time management is key, but even if you can only manage a brisk walk around the block, it’s better than nothing and will definitely leave you feeling refreshed. If you’re too crunched for time, you can even bring some flash cards to the gym and study them while on the elliptical or stationary bike.
  • Everything in moderation. It’s tempting to chug coffee and Red Bull to stay awake, but caffeine and sugary drinks should be enjoyed in moderation to avoid an upset stomach. Plus, coffee is a diarrhetic, so take it easy on the espresso. Try to drink one cup of water for every one cup of coffee.
  • Get enough sleep. I know it’s easy to resist getting some shut-eye when you just want to go over those notes one last time, but I’ve found a little extra sleep does better for the memory than extra cramming. Power naps are also great if you feel your brain going into overload mode, even if it’s just a 20-minute snooze. Just make sure to set an alarm so you don’t doze off into the nighttime!
  • Snack well. I’m a stress eater, so this is a tough one for me, too. But eating junk food to de-stress is a bad idea, especially when you’re trying to fight IBD. Instead, opt for healthy study snacks–my go-to’s are apples with peanut butter, smoothies, and yogurt with fruit and granola. Saving that trip to Cold Stone will feel so much more rewarding AFTER you finish your tests.
  • Study at home. Everyone’s personal preferences are different, but I like to study at home so I can be closer to a bathroom. There’s nothing more annoying than studying in the library and having to use the bathroom, which means packing up your things because you don’t want to have your laptop stolen, then coming back to find your spot’s been taken, then finding a new seat, having to use the bathroom again, and repeating the process over and over again. That kind of situation is stressful enough, so I study in my apartment, at my kitchen table (NOT in bed because it’s way too easy to fall asleep), away from the TV and anything else that’s too distracting. Of course, I know it’s not an option for everyone to study at home, so if you do opt for the library or a coffee shop and want to avoid the above scenario, go with a friend so he/she can save your spot while you do your business, and make sure you know ahead of time where the bathrooms are located.

Remember, we’re almost at the finish line; finals will be over soon and then the holiday season will officially commence! I wish you all the best with your tests, projects and papers, but just in case you need some extra motivation, here’s a little something to get you pumped up:

Now go ace those finals!

3 thoughts on “How To Combat Finals Week Stress

  1. Hey, I found your blog through the GI Buddy app and what you’re doing here is awesome. I am a crohnie myself and just graduated from college in May. If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know.


  2. Hi I am a dad 🙂 I am technologically challanged but have a good sense of humor. My daughter is a Sr. and your blog looks great. I am entering her email. I wish you happiness and perhaps we will “chat” again

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