An Update + Feel Better Friday


Last time I blogged, I was preparing to have surgery to remove a hernia that had developed around my ostomy site. As it turns out, it wasn’t a hernia but a large abscess. In any case, the operation was successful and, even though I developed a fistula a few weeks later that resulted in a couple of semi-traumatic visits to the emergency room and a very unwelcome return to an ostomy bag for a few days, my wound is slowly but surely healing.

My GI doc is worried that my Crohn’s is returning and is now setting its sights on my small intestine, so I am now taking Humira once a week instead of biweekly, and I’m on an increased dose of Imuran as well. I seem to be feeling fine, though, so hopefully the meds are finally working their magic!

Unfortunately, the operation put me in a sort of rut. I had been in the midst of applying for jobs, but that got put on the backburner while I concentrated on my health and recovery. Now that I’m feeling better, I’m back on the work grind and am trying to get back into my normal routine.

As I try to stay positive, focused, and upbeat, I’ve decided to start a little feature on the blog called Feel Better Friday to highlight some of the things that have been making me feel good lately. It’s always nice to find things that distract you when you’re feeling sick or just sad, so if you need a little joy in your life, check these things out!

  • HAIM


I’m loving this trio of sisters and their infectious grooves and beautiful harmonies. Definitely check out the video for “The Wire,” the wonderfully addicting single off their soon-to-be-released debut album.

  • Hazelnut coffee


I’m a coffee fiend, and I’ve always been very traditional in my tastes: medium-roast, black, no frills or cutesy stuff. But then I tried Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut coffee and I have changed my religion- this stuff is the jam! I drink it every morning with a small splash of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and it is the perfect start to the day.

  • Timehop


This “time travel” app is a must-have for all you iPhone users. It pulls from all your photos, tweets, Instagrams, Facebook posts, etc., to remind you what you did on this day in years past. So fun!

  • Long walks

I’ve been starting out my mornings by going on a long, fast-paced walk with my mom around our neighborhood, and it’s been a relaxing yet energizing start to each day. Walking first thing in the early A.M. is a perfect way to beat the summer heat and get in some quality time with a walking partner.

  • “Orange is the New Black”


Seriously, if you haven’t watched this show yet, I command you to drop everything and start now. It’s that good. I never fully grasped the whole “Netflix binge” concept until I watched the first season, and now I’m chomping at the bit waiting for season two.

  • S’mores

Next to ice cream, this has got to be the best summertime dessert, and I’ve been absolutely loving it lately…even if I have to roast the marshmallows over my stovetop (I swear it’s not as pathetic as it sounds).

Your turn! What’s been making you feel better lately? Drop me a comment and let me know!